Our services
TB Shipping and Forwarding AS provides a variety of services related to import/export, agency, customs clearance, and storage. Our services are described in more detail below.
Import og export:
TB Shipping offer import/export services to/from Europe and all over the world. We have weekly vessel departures ex UK. TB Shipping is liner/shipping agent in port of call Sandnes for weekly vessel departures ex Swinoujscie (PL), as well as vessel in linertraffic ex Eemshaven (NL) via DK to Sandnes. This vessel sails further on all the way up the Norwegian coast to Hammerfest.
TB Shipping and Forwarding has a recognized agency department, as well as chartering department that provides stevedooring, terminal facilities, and mooring/unmooring of ships.
Customs clearance:
Our qualified employees take care of customs clearances for both imported and exported goods. We are part of the Tvinn system at the Norwgian Customs and use the Emma Sped software to carry out tasks related to customs clearances.
We offer storage at Sandnes Harbour both indoor and outside, as well as Bonded warehouse.
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